Tuesday 6 June 2017

Unit 32: Designing Idents for Television - Designing a Suite of Idents

Unit 32: Designing Idents for Television -

Designing a Suite of Idents

Scenario – There is a new television channel which has asked your production company to create a unique ident for use by the channel. You are to design a proposal of a suitable ident and will have to pitch this to the management of the new television channel.

Task 1

You will complete market research into at least 3 existing idents on similar channels (see below for channel information).

Task 2

You are to create 3 designs for an ident to a specific brief. You should follow the outline below:

       The new channel is called ‘The Grid’
       The target audience for this channel is for 18-30 year olds
       Most of the content on this channel is to consist of:
       Panel shows
       Some films


An ident is a short video/visual image that television channels use to identify themselves.During an ident there will often be narrator who will also announce the TV show that is about to start, informing viewers of scheduling as well as filling the gaps between programming and therefore segmenting the schedule.

Idents have several different purposes and reasons as to why we use them:
  • Identity of channel
  • Break Up Schedule
  • Visual Stimulation
  • Branding
  • Packaging
  • Marketing
  • Re-branding
  • Raise viewing figures
By creating an ident, a television channel can then place these at the start and ends of a television program, as well as during the advert breaks. This is a marketing technique that can be used by television channels firstly, to help remind the viewer about what channel they are watching. 

Branding is important to the company of the ident as it represents their company. Branding and identity, represent through their ident. This can appeal to the viewers and therefore will get the result in the viewer most likely to return to the channel to watch the programs that have similar genres on the channel. 

Television idents are also created for the purpose of packaging. Television idents have a very important role in packaging, a channel and what they represent, by simply changing or altering the channels ident.

A main purpose of television idents is for them to create scheduling for a television channel. The design of the ident represents the identity and branding if the channel, and therefore the types of programs shown on the channel. This helps create the kind of scheduling the television channel will have by the ident representing the kind of programs the channel will show to the audience. 


Channel 5 - The Walking Dead Ident:

This ident was created to promote a popular american TV series ' The Walking Dead'. Due to it being a new showing on the channel the ident had to promote not only the genre but give a brief layout of the series within a short few seconds. The audio is cleverly used to set the tone of the ident and reflect the content on what the upcoming show had to offer. The visuals the ident possess consist of faces being pushed against walls creating a sense of ambiguity and an interest of the unknown. All of these technique can be very gripping towards an audiences perspective and encourages them to watch the upcoming programme.

Another aspect shown in this Ident is the relation with the channel itself ' Channel 5 '. Channel 5 is a well-known British television channel and will usually only associate itself with well-known programmes, due to the demand and popularity of 'The Walking Dead' they can happily associate themselves with the show. As audiences will already have trust in the television channel and television enthusiasts will feel this is a recommendation from them to watch the show, the show itself will also bring popularity to the channel due to its exclusive showings and high demand,

E4 Ident - Front Room

This ident for E4 is made from both live action and animation, with object appearing from the walls and ground. Starting off with a normal room setting the animation then begins with grass coming out of the chimney surrounded by other random elements appearing simultaneously. The design and concept of the ident reflecting the channels content being very youthful and showing a variety of content. The ident itself lasts for 30 seconds, starting with slow paced editing the intensity increases as does the amount of animation, the animation increase amount stays consistent throughout. The music very much adds a lighthearted element to the ident with the classical, calm yet fast paced to support the content. fits perfectly to the style of the channel.

This ident very much attracts its intended target audience of teenagers by being very random, bright colours yet mature style setting a tone of comedy. This randomness helps appeal to the younger audience of today who tend to have a lower average short attention span, meaning usually things with a story will not appeal to them as much, so being completely random draws their attention to the channel. The element of randomness however limits any ability of information about the channels content and is strictly used for entertainment purposes. The chosen style does give the impression of the style of the channels content being a wide variety and comedy-based.

Channel 4 Ident:

This ident is very much used to advertise the channel brand. The ident being based in a section of council estates. The ident is very simple, with one crane shot sweeping through the messy, dingy estates, with rubbish all over the place, clothes hung up on a b piece of string etc.

The ident has very dim lighting throughout and creates a dull atmosphere, very much supported by the weather being wet and windy shown with the black cloudy sky and the windswept movement of the hung up clothes. The ident does not consist of any typography, the only reference to the channel is the 4 symbol made up of the environment and relative camera angle, however prior to this the viewer may not even be able to recognize the channel in which the are watching.

However, this idea does seem to be consistent in other channel 4 idents, they are all unique to one another but definitely share similar properties that make them recognizable. I think everything on screen visually relates to one another and supports each other very well, creating a dark and gritty atmosphere showing content  in which is harsh reality which Channel 4 intended upon. The music used has a slow tempo and slow beat again suting to that of the camera movement pace. It creates a small amount of tension and helps put the audience in an uneased state to reflect this harsh reality. Typically the target audience for this would be male 17-25, this is because it doesn't show any signs of feminine features.

The ident is 27 seconds long, which is actually a quite short amount of time, but if any longer may bore viewers or any shorter may not be able to portray the intended effect of the ident. I do not believe the channel branding has been done very well, however I do believe it helps set the style and realism of the channels content. Considering this ident is from 2004, their idents seem to have got much more appealing in the last couple of years making it much more clear for the audience to recognize the channel.

Channel 4: The Simpsons Ident

This ident is very much entertainment-led, using a flagship, well-known programme like the Simpsons to advertise the channel. This offers great opportunity for the channel as viewers will be able to relate the channel to the well-known programme that is the Simpsons, thus advertising the channel and increasing its popularity. 

Using this particular programme helps appeal to a large audience due its sustained popularity, attracting viewers and persuading the viewer to stay on the channel. However for non-Simpsons fans this could cause an instant channel change or loss of interest, meaning they will not watch it until to the end and reveal the true reason for the animation denying that of the intention of the ident.

Although the ident has a humour and fun elements representing some of the channels content, it very much relies on the patience and specific interest of the viewer due to its long duration. This again could make the viewer lose interest. However it is not effected by any usual limitations idents have of a viewers television resolution, aspect ratio or transmission system meaning it can be viewed by everyone. The Audio effects used also make it possible for non-visual viewers to still get a sense of what is happening on screen.

It is likely that this clip is shown on weekday evenings and late afternoons due to its comedic attitude. It could also be shown on Saturday/Sunday mornings when The Simpsons is likely to be screened.

Film 4 Ident - Car Chase:

This ident by Film 4 possesses a set piece that is related to some of the genres of film shown on the channel, in this case it shows a car chase relative to action movies thus targeting action movie fans (very broad audience). The ident being 30 seconds long gives the opportunity for the content to showcase the channel and voice over to inform what is coming up next.

This ident shows the visual identity of the channel, using the logo and appearing at the end of the sequence for effect, using up to date effects of splitting the screen to create the logo, being a unique and creative way of doing so. The effects add to the Action film concept using typical transition/effects used in action films.

Its concept offers the ability of a series of idents, all individual based on their genre allowing them to reach to a wider audience. A limitation however is the the size of the content displayed gives very little ability to display additional information and have to rely on the voice over to do so.

When the screen splits up to create the channel 4 logo there are multiple shots of the car chase from multiple different angels which gives the ident a lot of shot variation, Which in my opinion it almost brands the channel as a channel they can display their information on the content being film and a channel that are passionate about film.

MTV Ident:

MTV is a well-known television channel the specializes in music related programmes, teen drama's and documentaries. MTV is well known for its creative / artsy representation clearly shown in this ident. Opening with dark lighting and depressing titles littered around the tower blocks shown.The font reflecting this harsh and edgy negative undertone. The MTV logo then appears and the supportive lighting brightens and the negative titles transform into positive showing the uplifting transition that this channel intends to bring to their viewers. Con-notating the idea of that MTV can turn a depressing mood into a fun experience. 


I conducted a questionnaire as primary research asking my target audience, being young adults, I asked people who took part to fill in the questionnaire truthfully so that I
could incorporate the results of the questionnaire into my television ident in order for the final television ident to appeal to my target audience.


What television channels do you watch most?




Comedy Central



Other (please specify):

Question 1:

For my first question I asked my participants ' What television channels do you watch most? '. This question helps me establish the relative preference and further take this into account considering techniques in which these channels currently use in their idents and what makes them effective. The most popular answer being 'Comedy Central' so I will be sure to incorporate elements such as typography into my ident.

What genre of music do you prefer to listen to?







Other (please specify):

My Next Question was 'What genre of music do you prefer to listen to?' this way I can incorporate music into my ident, with most popular demand to create a factor in which viewers can recognize the channel by, in this case pop was the most dominant, followed closely by hip-hop and dance so for the most effectiveness I want to find a track that incorporates all three.

When are you most likely to watch TV?

6AM – 9AM

9AM – 12PM

12PM – 3PM

3PM – 6PM

6PM – 9PM

9PM – 12AM

12AM – 3AM

3AM – 6AM

My Third Question was 'When are you most likely to watch TV?' this is to recognize when the ident would be most effective at peak times of viewers on the channel.  

How long do you usually watch TV?

0 – 30 Minutes

30 Minutes – 1 Hour

1 – 2 Hours

2 – 3 Hours

Other (Please Specify):

This question 'How long do you usually watch TV? '  is again to utilise the showings of the ident on the channel and be fully aware of the maximum times in which people will view the ident.

Can you recall you favourite TV ident?



If Yes, please explain what it is and why:

This question 'Can you recall you favourite TV ident?' was to specifically identify which idents the participants remembered and why they stood out to them, a mass majority of them were from comedy channels such as E4 and Dave due to their humorous nature.

What is your favourite colour?








Other (please specify):

This question 'What is your favourite colour?' was to help establish colours within the logo and throughout the ident, the mass majority of participants chose 'other' and deemed black and grey as their favorite colours.

What is your favourite brand logo? (Please Circle)

This final question ' What is your favourite brand logo? ' was to help come up with a logo and giving me an insight into what the participants found aesthetically please and incorporate that into my logo for 'The Grid'. The mass percentage involved bold or fancy type fonts.


1) Design - 

Setting/time: The ident is neutral and does not reflect any specific setting or time, the only prompt of any setting comes at the end with the ‘Stand Up’ Comedy footage.

Tempo: The tempo of this ident would be slightly upbeat to express the element of comedy however not too fast paced to add a bouncy vibe and ease of understanding.

Audience Interaction: There will be no audience interaction within this ident. 

Informative or Entertainment: This Ident will give a overall idea of the channels content, with a kinetic typography structure to keep the viewer intrigued. 

Density: I want to use the kinetic typography to strictly break down density for an easier and simple understanding.

Purpose - 

Branding: The branding should be obvious with a mass majority of the sequence displaying the title and exaggeration with the initial entrance of the logo

Scheduling: This ident would typically be shown at 7-9 PM UK as it strays towards the stand up comedy element of the channel being shown roughly around this time.

Mise-en-scene: The ident shows simplicity with very bouncy, friendly elements showing obvious sides of humour, fast movements, friendly font with a fancy style relative to the stand up theme, the footage and stand up mic and lighting then very much create a typical vibe of a stand up comedy stage.

Representation: Due to its simple nature it does not show representation or stereotypes.

Audience: The target audience for this ident is 18-30 year olds.


2) Design - 

The ident is neutral and does not reflect any specific setting or time.

Tempo: Tempo increases throughout, starting slow however does not increase to a point of confusion.

Audience Interaction: 
There will be no audience interaction within this ident. 

Informative or Entertainment: 
This Ident will give a overall idea of the channels content, with a Text animation and green screen footage integrated adding comedy.

 I want to use the Animations of the logo chasing down a man with different information displayed each time the animation appears on screen to strictly break down density for an easier and simple understanding.

Purpose - 

The branding is the dominant animation in the sequence. appearing a mass majority of the ident, it is exaggerated with its dominant colours making it clear of the channel the viewer is watching.

This ident would typically be shown at 7-9 PM UK as it strays towards the stand up comedy element of the channel being shown roughly around this time.

The ident shows simplicity with very quick, friendly elements showing humour, fast movements, friendly font with a fancy style relative to the comedy element, the footage and will showcase the upcoming content. 

Representation: Due to its simple nature it does not show representation or stereotypes.

The target audience for this ident is 16-30 year olds.


3) Design - 

The ident is neutral and does not reflect any specific setting or time, the only prompt of any setting comes with the ‘Panel Show’footage.

Tempo is high from the start reflecting that of a game show, high speed but not too fast that it causes confusion.

Audience Interaction: 
There will be no audience interaction within this ident.

Informative or Entertainment: 
This Ident will give an insight to one section of channels content, with graphic animation supported with footage.

Density: There will be a high density to reflect the idea of a game/panel show using the footage to break it down to avoid confusion.

Purpose - 

The branding should be obvious with a mass majority of the sequence displaying the title and exaggeration with the initial entrance of the logo with relative remarks to the channel name within the speech/content.

This ident would typically be shown at 6-11 PM UK as it strays towards the game show/panel show element of the channel being shown roughly around this time.

The ident shows a game/panel show with the relative mise en scene, Podiums or Tables or Panels or Desks, bright lights and an audience.

Due to its simple nature it does not show representation or stereotypes.

The target audience for this ident is 16-60 year olds.


Final Design: 

Production Costs:


Editing Suite

£250 per day

£90 per day
Rights to Footage:




Due to the entirety of the ident being animated, no location will be required.

However if it was a case in which we needed a location here are the relative costs:

Feature Film Productions
From £750 - £5,000+ per 12 hour day
Television Dramas
From £500 - £3,000+ per 12 hour day
Documentary filming
From £400 - £1000+ per 12 hour day
From £500 - £1500+ per 10 hour day
Television Commercials
From £1000 - £3000+ per 12 hour day
Music Videos
From £500 - £3000+ per 12 hour day

Camera & Crew :

Due to the entirety of the ident being animated, no Camera or Crew will be required. However if I were to use them, the professional costs show below:


DV Camera Hire

£55 per day
Tripod Hire

£10 per day
Microphone Kit Hire

£35 per day
SLR Camera:

£33 per day
Studio hire:

£550 per day



I will be personally editing the Ident myself, however putting this into a professional context the cost is shown in the production cost area of this blog.

Other Equipment (e.g. software) 

I will be using both After Effects and Sony Vegas to edit the Ident, Mainly After effects due to its animated dominance an then pieced together and cleaned up in Sony Vegas. Typically it would cost:

  • Sony Vegas - £350
  • After Effects - £18 per month


I am not using any actors in my Ident, however if I were to use them typical costs show at:

Roughly £200 per day, deeming £1000 over a 5 day course.

Final Product:


I created the logo using Adobe Photoshop, using no illustrations and simply typography.

Fonts Used:

Remachine Script & Subway.


Pre production

  •         24th October – 2 hours- similar Idents.
  •          7th November- Design and purpose of our own ident ideas and storyboards.
  •         21st November- planning paperwork, time scales, working for a client, management roles

Production Timetable:


7th February


Creating all the source elements in Photoshop, such as the logo and back drop, I also sourced all of the sound effects and music ready to incorporate into the edit. 

15th February


In this session I created all of the kinetic typography elements showing the channels values and fitting with the other elements such as music, including animations such as the logo’s introduction with the kinetic environmental animation (clouds).

7th March


I used this time to create the relative genre in which I chose and created all of the elements to suit including the lighting intentional error transition to show the footage and sourcing the stand-up footage I chose.

28th March


In this time, I used it to ensure all of the timing of the ident and all of the sound effects/animations and visuals fit hand-in-hand with one another for the most effective outcome and appear professional.

3rd April


This session was finally used for Recording the Voice over, to fit the timing. and incorporating it into the already established edit as the final piece of information.

Rendering off as a final piece to submit.


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