Monday 29 May 2017

Unit 32: Designing Idents for Television - Evaluation of Ident Design

Unit 32: Designing Idents for Television - 
Evaluation of Ident Design

Scenario - Your project should now be successfully completed, and you must create a report evaluating its effectiveness, discussing positive/negative impacts on your project. You should also link to existing ident when discussing opportunities and limitations of your project.

Task 1 -  Discuss how the following features have been used in your project and/or existing examples of ident design:

Opportunities: Creation of corporate identity; display of text-based information; branding of content; creation of tone; appeal to target audience; encouragement of brand loyalty.

  • How have you used branding in your ident?
  • What decisions did you make on your branding?
  • How did you appeal to the target audience?
  • What was the tone of your ident and how did you create this?
Limitations: typography; resolution; colour; size; aspect-ratio; analogue and digital recording; transmission systems.

Task 2 - Evaluate your ident, discussing how the following criteria have been addressed:

Creative Communication: Enhancing ideas; pushing the technology; communicating visual ideas to a non visual audience; creating under pressure of time and budget; appealing to a target audience; appreciation of desired tone.
  • How did you take your original idea and improve this throughout the production process?
  • Discuss ways in which you have used technology throughout this assignment.
  • Are you happy with the final outcome? What could you have done better if completing this project again?

Task 1 - 


Creation of corporate identity: 

corporate identity or corporate image is the way in which a business, corporation or firm present themselves.

On-screen graphics are the prime way in which to represent a TV channel, in terms of its style, appearance and logo. It allows them to visually show the values and aims of the channel.

In my case, I used my logo and relative 

animation to do so, the logo representing the company that is the TV channel and the animations representing the content style it airs. Creating the logo with consideration to the type of content aired on the Channel, being very friendly, bold and humorous. The relative Stand-up comedy elements at the end however only show a specific genre of content shown on the channel, although appealing this may limit the channel if only 
this genre was shown. 

Display of text-based information:

Text-Based imagery gives you an ability to convey information to the audience visually. Although this may not always seem the most appealing way to represent something, sometimes it is the only way to effectively do so using this as a visual medium/on screen graphics and if done correctly can be seen as much more than just a bland large block of text.

I have used text-based information in my case using a technique known as kinetic typography, this not only visually appeals to the audience but very much informs them of the TV channels style of content. Supported at times with the chosen audio, it very much suits the aesthetic of the Ident.

Branding of content: 

Branding of content is the case in which a channel is typically known for the content it broadcasts. A good example would be that of MTV's with their commonly broadcasted programme "MTV's Top Hits", branded directly with their name.

In essence, the whole branding can very much rely on the logo of the channel, this should reflect the aims and values of the channel, fitting to their broadcasted content so in which an audience can relate the content to the channel.
In my ident, I aimed to very much dominate it with the channels values and logo (brand) in order for it to be effective and memorable to the audience with bringing popularity to the channel with its style,

Creation of tone: 

Tone is very much important when creating an ident, this will help establish again the aims and values of the channel and appeal to your chosen target audience. Tone in an ident is made up of the chosen colour palette, audio and tempo/rate. A tone can be set using visuals.

A prime example being say if an ident consisted of very bright colours, bouncy upbeat audio with a fast tempo, this would typically appeal to younger children as it brings excitement to them. On the other hand however if a much blander colour palette, slow beat and slowed tempo shows very much signs of sophistication meaning it would appeal to an older audience, with content to be shown from their prime days.

In my case, I wanted to combine both elements relative to a younger and older audience to broaden it so. Using blander colours, yet appealing aesthetics, a fast pace yet slow chill-hop beat to appeal to as many people as possible to increase chance success. 

Appeal to target audience: 

Idents can be adjusted in different ways to appeal to different/multiple audiences. Target audiences usually consist of demographics concerning age and gender. There are some very typical elements in which you can integrate to appeal to an audience of your choice however it can be hard to use them effectively.

There are several cases in which elements can be wrongly placed or incorrectly chose that causes the ident to not be as effective or in some cases confuse the audience, therefore withdrawing the whole purpose of the ident.

Audience’s are usually targeted using demographic data being that of their gender, age, social class, geographical location, relationship status and income.
One way in which companies can access the relative data is that of BARB. The Broadcasters audience research board, which give them reliable data to work with and what demographic suits the given content.

My target audience was that of young adults 16 - 80 years, I attempted to appeal to both genders and all age types, this is shown in my chosen tone and style, not being biased towards an age or gender.

Encouragement of brand loyalty:

Typically an audience remains loyal to you if they enjoy the nature of your content and stays consistently appealing, being very much a channel of humour this appeals to everybody.

Although there are ways in which you can attract viewers to the channel, such as exclusive content and good marketing. In terms of an ident this is a good window in which for you to promote your exclusive content or usually broadcasted content, in mine however it is limited due to the one genre shown being 'stand-up'.

The more pleasing/memorable the ident is, such as catchy music, funny/relatable visuals the more people will come back to you based on their positive experience watching the channel in the first place.



Typography is the style and appearance of printed matter. Modern technology offers a vast ability of options for typography in terms of access to different fonts and ways to portray them to suit your wants and needs of them.

Typography, if used, can be very effective especially in idents for you to portray the TV channels values and aims without any need of dialogue, this is often used to show the audience relative information about the channel and its type of content and voice overs used to give information about upcoming content. 

This however can affect the true aim of the purpose to show the values or display information if for example overused or the wrong font is used, leaving the audience confused and trying to work out the typography, distracting them from other elements in the Ident. Typography displayed too fast could put the audience off as they are not able to understand it all.

In my case, there are a number of typography elements used, which I very much considered timing, font to fit the channels content/style and understanding the information with ease. Using kinetic typography this makes the element more effective than a simple block of text and acts as the appeal of the ident.


Image resolution is the detail an image holds. The term applies to raster digital images, film images, and other types of images. Higher resolution means more image detail. Image resolution can be measured in various ways.

In modern day, you can pretty much rely on that all viewers have a HD TV, due to the accessibility of them and demand over past technology using lower resolutions. 

I have been sure to use the 1920x1080 HD resolution in order for it to be most effective and all viewers should be able to view it without any limitations, if lower resolutions were used the images quality will drop and may not fit to the audiences TV size, leaving dead black space around the ident appearing less appealing.

There are also technical difficulties in which we must consider happening such as 'Moire Fringing'-Moiré effect is a visual perception that occurs when viewing a set of lines or dots that is superimposed on another set of lines or dots, where the sets differ in relative size, angle, or spacing. This can be caused by mise-en-scene of the ident and is due to the interlaced scanning in digital cameras and television. This can affect the audience being bad for their eyesight and also withdraw the whole purpose of the ident, taking attention away from the intended imagery.


Colour acts as part of design/style of the TV channels identity, being unique and exclusive usually to the channel. You must consider any effects this may have on the audience, such as impaired vision, epilepsy or those that are colour blind. You also have to consider the possibility of the colour seeming discolored on different Televisions.

Colour can be very effective in a case such as this, being appealing to a specific target audience. Brighter more feminine colours such as pink/yellow will of course appeal to strictly one gender being female yet bright masculine colours such as blue/green will appeal to the opposite gender. This also depends on age, brighter colours appealing more towards younger ages and more blander colours palettes showing sophistication and therefore appealing to an older audience.

In my case, I wanted to combine both elements relative to a younger and older audience to broaden it so. Using blander colours, yet appealing aesthetics, a fast pace yet slow chill-hop beat to appeal to as many people as possible to increase chance success. Consisting mainly of grey/white and black colours, the logos introduction has a major effect on it using the luminous pink cloud supporting the animation movement. The footage is the only other element which strays from this colour tone, again helping to promote content more.


The size of each element in the ident must be also heavily considered. Size again can appear very much overwhelming and out of scale to the other elements or chosen resolution, confusing the audience and withdrawing the true purpose of the ident.

I aimed to make all of the elements central in their each given shot and to a size the viewers, no matter the distance can easily view the whole element/displayed information/aesthetic. 


Aspect-ratio is the ratio of the width to the height of an image or screen. This very much ties in with resolution, the resolution I chose sits at 16:9 in the aspect-ratio. I chose this due to the modern superior aspect ratio being that of 16:9 with almost all TV's and compatible hardware offer HD resolution. However for those who still have TV's using 4:3 this mean the ident will automatically adjust and stretch the ident leaving parts of the graphic to be cut off or distorted to the audience.This also applies to the TV's using the 21:9 aspect ratio designed to show films recorded in CinemaScope ( CinemaScope is an anamorphic lens series used, from 1953 to 1967, for shooting widescreen movies.) or the modern anamorphic format. 

Analogue and digital recording: 

Graphics in modern day are all digitally recorded. This meaning that the recorded content will not be fully compatible with analogue systems, withdrawing specific effects of the ident and decreasing quality. This means that the idents resolution, aspect ratio, screen size and colour will be affected to the users of analogue systems. Graphic designers can only consider the mass majority of viewers hardware and have no control over how it looks on analogue systems when being broadcasted, leaving viewers of analogue hardware unsatisfied and meaning the ident has not served its purpose.

Analogue recording is now a thing of the past, once being used for graphics with the main elements consisting of photos in a very similar to stop frame animation style.

Transmission systems:

A transmission system transmits signals and fits hand in hand with the ideas modern day graphics are filmed digitally and again only works well for some/mass majority of televisions. The digitally transmitted content when viewed on an analogue system is clearly open to lose quality. This is due to the smaller pixel access analogue hardware offers and the fact they are more susceptible to noise affecting the image and sound quality when converting in transmission. The increasing demand for digital transmission systems and HD TV's are increasing due to the higher image quality and being less susceptible to noise making a more immersive viewing experience.

Creative Communication: 

Enhancing ideas & Pushing the technology: 

Our ideas and concepts we have intentions of in our idents very much rely on modern technology and its vast ability to create elements in which we desire. Technologies advancement has allowed us to completely enhance our visual ideas and meanings by using it to our fullest advantage and exploring its limitations where as a pose to the past they very much relied on limited ability when creating any sort of content.

In my ident I completely rely on the technology to portray my ideas and intentions. Using Adobe After Effects I used their vast ability to create all of my ident, all of the typography and on-screen graphics par the stand up footage completely created and originated in After Effects digitally. Using relative pre-made elements in which I created in a partner software known as Photoshop, this meaning the backdrop, logo and logo theme adjustments.

Communicating visual ideas to a non visual audience:

It is common human nature for us as an audience to enjoy something more aesthetically pleasing than a simplistic informant sequence unless possessing pure interest in the subject. More informant sequences in fact lose the viewers interest, however possessing aesthetically pleasing elements relative to the target audience allows you, if done correctly, to convey information in a way in which pleases and intrigues the audience. The tone of the ident should reflect the target audience, meaning the colour scheme, relative music and pace must be appealing to them. Idents better much appeal to an audience with the use of a colour variety, animation and special effects. Modern technology again allows us to do this and convey our intended information quicker, perfect for a sequence such as an ident due to its limited duration.

Visually Impaired, Non-visual audiences depend completely on sound/audio to get their information from the ident with the elements of music and voice overs for them to be able to depict what is visually happening in the ident as they are not able to communicate with the content visually. Relative sound effects, music to suit the channels values and voice overs all portray information appeal to a non visual audience. We must consider that the visually impaired may not decipher the imagery as the non- visually impaired audience would, meaning the information in sound is very important.

In my case, I used a very welcoming, chill-hop song fitting to the channels values of being, happy, bouncy, open and expressible. The relative lyrics almost explaining the sequence is a promotional ident. The relative voice over also informs both a non-visual and visual audience of the upcoming content being stand-up in which case would be suitable for a non-visual audience as stand up does not rely on visuals to induce comedy.

Creating under pressure of time and budget: 

In almost every case of creating content there ate deadlines set, in terms of idents they must be completely ready and compatible in time of launch in order to broadcast them on their channel, especially seasonal idents to suit or use of idents to promote upcoming content, if not given enough time to promote it could very much decrease success. If the ident creator does not meet the deadline it affects the channels broadcast schedule and puts other colleagues under pressure to provide the best experience to their audience. There is always the obvious factor in which time is money, increasing spending costs if the deadline is not met.

The budget size can also put pressure on the designers due to the lack of ability to incorporate more expensive/professional looking elements with newly developed technology or high standard factors such as actors. A larger budget allows less worry for the designer as they are able to be less cautious about using better resources or spending extra money to increase time efficiency. However, the budget is not always the prime factor of an effective ident, some companies with smaller budgets may incorporate their intentions better such as showing the channels values, representing corporate identity and appeal to an audience effectively, it can very much depend on the designers personal ability/connections and ideas.

Appealing to a target audience & Appreciation of desired tone:

Of course in the end the most important factor is appealing to your target audience correctly and effectively in order to keep them reliable to your channel over the relative competition. This can include the content, style and tone of the channel. Idents are the sole source of a TV channels representation par from the content, and if the channel is not portrayed correctly it could affect the ratings and traffic towards their channel, decreasing profit ability. Each TV channel must create visual and audio interpretations of their corporation effectively using aesthetically pleasing and informative elements in a diverse manner to stand out over the competition.

If the ident and its tone does not effectively communicate with the audience they will lose brand loyalty and ratings. All TV channels are different, all ways in which they believe represents their broadcasting content effectively, this is all done through the style in which they intend on.


Overall, I am pleased with the outcome of my Ident. Using relative technology and elements to not only portray the values of the concept channel but in an aesthetically pleasing and informative way. Using only the simplest and minimal ways to do so, such as short uses of text, transitioning in different ways kinetically to minimalise any chance of boredom, leaving the viewer intrigued throughout, despite being 30 seconds long. Supported by the tone in which I chose myself after relative research into my wide target audience and music I feel like the elements in which I used all fitted hand-in-hand with the concept channel in which we were given.

The only thing I would improve is the end of the ident being more ranged, I felt as if I had slightly limited myself by using only one genre being stand-up although I stated the type of content shown on the channel earlier in the Ident, this part stands out due to the announcement of the upcoming content bridging content and creating a flow. I also would have, given the time, created the footage myself instead of using pre-made content, However considering this was a concept channel I felt that this was appropriate.

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