Thursday 19 January 2017

Unit 32: Designing Idents for Television - The Purpose and Nature of Ident Design

Unit 32: Designing Idents for Television - 

The Purpose and Nature of Ident Design

Scenario – You have been asked to research television idents for a production company in order to evaluate different methods and techniques. You will have to present your findings as a power-point presentation discussing pros/cons of different types of ident, typical do’s/don’ts and what the key fingerprints of a successful ident are.

Task 1

You will research a variety of different television idents and the design behind each one. You must follow the criteria below:

·         Create a research blog for at least 5 CONTRASTING idents.

·         Compare and contrast the different design characteristics and purpose behind each one.

Design: density of information; space and time; screen tempo; interaction with viewers; information-led; entertainment-led

Purpose: identity; branding; marketing; packaging and re-packaging; scheduling; segmentation within scheduling


An ident is a short video/visual image that television channels use to identify themselves.During an ident there will often be narrator who will also announce the TV show that is about to start, informing viewers of scheduling as well as filling the gaps between programming and therefore segmenting the schedule.

Idents have several different purposes and reasons as to why we use them:
  • Identity of channel
  • Break Up Schedule
  • Visual Stimulation
  • Branding
  • Packaging
  • Marketing
  • Rebranding
  • Raise viewing figures
By creating an ident, a television channel can then place these at the start and ends of a television program, as well as during the advert breaks. This is a marketing technique that can be used by television channels firstly, to help remind the viewer about what channel they are watching. 

Branding is important to the company of the ident as it represents their company. Branding and identity, represent through their ident. This can appeal to the viewers and therefore will get the result in the viewer most likely to return to the channel to watch the programs that have similar genres on the channel. 

Television idents are also created for the purpose of packaging. Television idents have a very important role in packaging, a channel and what they represent, by simply changing or altering the channels ident.

A main purpose of television idents is for them to create scheduling for a television channel. The design of the ident represents the identity and branding if the channel, and therefore the types of programs shown on the channel. This helps create the kind of scheduling the television channel will have by the ident representing the kind of programs the channel will show to the audience. 


Density of information:

The density of information conveyed towards the audience is completely dependent on what you visually see from the ident and what the audience personally intakes from that Ident. Viewers may obtain more than one thought towards the visual element added intentionally to get the audience to react in a specific way.

When designing an Ident the designers must realize that something themselves or their client can see as small can outcome as much more once shown to an audience. Some Idents are very typically symbolic such as the BBC one Idents in which they display a circle in different forms to symbolize that shape of an 'O' to clearly notify you that the channel you are watching is BBC one and the links are based around how the shape of a circle has no corners and is just ONE continuous shape. 

Space and time: 

The space and time given for the production of an Ident varies depending on the TV channel you are producing it for and what requirements are given to the designers by the client and the deadline date for the final version of the Ident. After some research into Idents, i found out that Idents are relatively produced in a small amount of time which is mainly spent with the designers coming up with ideas of simple yet effective ways of fronting something that symbolizes and promotes the TV channel they are creating it for.

Idents typically last 15 seconds so the designer will be under pressure to produce something with a clear message to the audience that both informs and entertains the audience and often a link to the upcoming content. For example, This image shows an example of a 'Film 4' Ident which
perfectly represents the channel and its content of film, although initially showing a rather generic and ambiguous representation of film it is finalized with a 'Fear 4' symbolizing the upcoming content of the horror genre which is closely supported with the narration. This is informative, attracts specific viewers, creates continuity and shows channel identity.

Screen tempo: 

Screen tempo is something that must be taken into heavy consideration during the production stage. If the Ident is too fast paced and too much information is trying to be displayed in a short amount of the time it will leave the audience confused and unaware of the Idents intentions.Timing is a crucial factor so the ident can uphold its output message towards the audience. Idents producers typically stick to one topic of footage as otherwise it could potentially obscure the audience members knowledge on the upcoming content and too much could again stray them from the intentions.

This links back to the given time length of 15 seconds for an Ident which furthermore gives the producers another reason to stick to one topic of footage rather than use multiple so the audience has a clear message of what channel they are viewing. In the case of BBC one they typically dont normally involve content portraying the upcoming content and the sole purpose of their Ident is too show the viewers the channel they are on, however this continuity problem is solved with the narration who introduces the upcoming content, speaking to the audience directly.

Interaction with viewers:

As there is no interactive button function during an Ident there is no true response interaction but with that come the response of the viewers from the Ident they have just watched. In a modern day we now have more access and ability to produce very high detailed footage of both real life and CGI. TV channels now use multiple Idents in which they use intentionally according to the scheduled content and the genres that they are held under.

One example could be where the upcoming content is an action film that is scheduled to play on BBC one. A prime ident for this would be this circular sea pad to subtly hint that the upcoming programme could be to do with action but what comes with the narration adds continuity by stating what is next to be aired and usually with a specific tone if voice to amplify the viewers, already building, tension and this is where I believe a lot of the interaction comes from as the narrator is addressing the audience directly making the audience feel that the upcoming 
content is worth watching. 


Information-led is a term used to describe what type of material is integrated within their Idents on an informal basis. A prime example of this could be with an upcoming documentary being exclusively aired to this channel, clips/snippets can be taken from the show and applied to an existing channel idents to showcase upcoming content and draw viewers into the channel. Given this is a documentary it will be very much information-led as documentaries have never been of a purpose to serve entertainment. Given this, the documentary will more than likely be exclusive to this channel, the host will almost certainly make this obvious as it will cause the audience to rely on that one channel and helps obtain higher ratings.

By using the best parts/highlights of the upcoming content it allows the audience to build interest around the media product and lock on to a wider amount of audience members, this tension/excitement building is used as audience members need to obtain a form of entertainment to be intrigued even for non-entertainment based content such as a documentary. This intrigues viewers in which would not usually have an interest in such content as documentaries, depending on the content of the documentary such as if it includes debate/argument it will interest the viewer from an entertainment based view.

Often with information-led idents you tend to notice them more frequently after watching them for the first time deepening on when they are being aired, this is down to the marketing strategy of the TV channel and how they intend to promote the upcoming content, usually very often this is where information-led idents are used as much as possible, to obtain as much attention as possible using the best parts/highlights to do so.


Entertainment-led Idents share very similar properties to that of Information-led Idents, however the content is more entertainment based such as a movie or TV series and is less serious. Entertainment-led Idents will use the same elements in which information-led Idents use such as the best parts/highlights of the upcoming content/ content they are trying to promote is shown towards the audience to captivate their attention as soon as possible and broaden the audience before the show is aired. 

The frequency rate will also stay the same as information-led idents as they are again applying a higher chance of audience members when the media product is aired. It very much shows the purpose of both information and entertainment-led idents, to obtain rating and increase interest / popularity / activity towards the channel.

Purpose -  


Idents are very much like digital identification displays in which an audience can recognize a channel by, using the channels logo or relative concepts specific to their channel to do so.  A prime example of that would be BBC do always containing the number 2, varying with shape and dimension either way it is always shown. 

All channels show distinct concepts to themselves and their relative content. Taking BBC Three as another example instead of using
the figure number 3 they use typography with all of their idents CGI produced making them unique from other channels such as BBC Two, despite being a product of the same company. When it comes to style for each channels relative ident they tend to keep to their typical styles however expand upon them in different ways. For example BBC Ones idents have all different themes and settings applied to them but all focus around the circular shape that forms the logo/shape we all recognize the channel by. This
style was only put into place with the channels
 revamp back in 2006, prior to this their idents were based on rhythm and movement, however after conducting some research the circular shape we see in all of the idents represents the 'O' within the word 'One' and the idea that a circle has no corners and is ONE consistently running shape. This was adopted by BBC one to have this shape occurring consistently so the audience can easily identify the channel and establish the link between the shape and the channel.


Branding TV channels is very much similar to branding of products such as clothing, using a logo/chosen style/audio in order in which an audience can identify them by. Every TV channel has a respective element in which they can be identified by. An example the Music Channel Kerrang! TV, although recently they became 'Planet Rock' before that there idents could be identified with their style of unusual, angry characters in different scenarios, always displaying the logo at the end of each one and the relative Rock music that is associated with the channel. This allows the channel to be recognized in three different ways that are all effectively appealing.


In this area, it brings us back to the point of information-led and entertainment-led purposes. This is because a simple ident has very little marketing power and may not even sustain usual viewers due to competition. However applying something to an ident such as content of an upcoming programme expands the marketing ability to help persuade the viewers that their channel has better content than others have to offer.

Taking on some more in depth research on marketing with idents, I came across the marketing rights Channel 4 brought for the Paralympics being exclusive to them and they were able to attract and build an audience using content and drip-feed elements of the Paralympics in their idents using both sexes to narrate over the advert displaying such information as "The Paralympics, only on Channel 4” and this clearly makes the audience aware the supplier of the well-known Paralympics, bringing activity and popularity their way. Causing their ratings to dramatically increase being the exclusive supplier of such content. Whereas if multiple channels had to ability to broadcast the viewers of the event would be very much split and dependent upon the channels ability to market over others.

Packaging and re-packaging: 

Packaging is where a channel will have their own relative style and way they represent their channel which is very much portrayed in their idents. Overall representing the different types of content in which the channel show, it is called packaging due to how the ident is complete and been given a purpose for viewing and will most likely link to the content shown on the channel.

Re-Packaging is the case when the advert is taken back by the channel to apply a more specific style of their TV Shows, most of the time relative to the upcoming content that is soon to be aired, this can also happen in seasonal periods such as Christmas.

One prime example being BBC One's Christmas ident, in which they show footage firstly linking to the season/period and shortly after running a small compilation of the upcoming content, using the best parts/highlights of each programme this is to intrigue the audience and keep them watching for a longer period of time or to consistently bring them back to the channel.


Scheduling is very important when considering idents because it gives the audience an insight into the upcoming coming after the viewing of the ident, Many TV channels have multiple idents with different genres and will be played dependent on the following content, setting the mood, the grey area of this being people may not realize the link between the ident and following programme. Ensuring the right ident is played is crucial for a TV company to avoid confusion or mislead the audience, example being BBC One's Hippo ident, if this was to be followed by a horror Series, this would easily leave the audience are left audience.

Segmentation within scheduling:

Segmentation within scheduling is the case where a TV channels series of idents is intentionally spread throughout the year dependent on the time of year or seasonal period and what is to be shown after each ident. A good example being that of E4's, particularly the beach house Ident which shows stop motion animation by moving objects autonomously. This Ident will very much prime in the summer time, showing iconic imagery such as beach houses we can all connect to the time period being summer. Another way this Ident would be used is very much down to the genre of the following content, with such programmes as '  What Happens in sunny beach and Kavos' documenting the times of young Brits abroad without their parents and due to the set location of the content, this ident would typically be played beforehand showing summer weather and typical elements.

A prime user of Idents commonly viewed are that of BBC 1's - 

History of BBC 1's Idents:

The first ident, "Television Symbol", or the "Bat's Wings" (1953–1960)

The first incarnation of the globe, introduced in 1960 (1960–1964)

The "mirror globe" ident, the first ident in colour (1969–1974)

The final mirror globe using the twin-striped BBC1 legend (1981-1985)

In 1985, the first computer generated BBC One ident was introduced, the "Computer Originated World" (1985–Feb 1991)

The "Virtual globe", designed by the Lambie-Nairn branding agency (February 1991–1997)

This outdoor image depicts Cley next the sea (1997-2002)

The "Capoeira" and other Idents are predecessor of the current ident, "Circles". It marked the departure of the globe that was used as BBC One's symbol for over 39 years. (2002–2006)

The circle Idents were introduced on October 7, 2006.


Channel 5 - The Walking Dead Ident:

This ident was created to promote a popular american TV series ' The Walking Dead'. Due to it being a new showing on the channel the ident had to promote not only the genre but give a brief layout of the series within a short few seconds. The audio is cleverly used to set the tone of the ident and reflect the content on what the upcoming show had to offer. The visuals the ident possess consist of faces being pushed against walls creating a sense of ambiguity and an interest of the unknown. All of these technique can be very gripping towards an audiences perspective and encourages them to watch the upcoming programme.

Another aspect shown in this Ident is the relation with the channel itself ' Channel 5 '. Channel 5 is a well-known British television channel and will usually only associate itself with well-known programmes, due to the demand and popularity of 'The Walking Dead' they can happily associate themselves with the show. As audiences will already have trust in the television channel and television enthusiasts will feel this is a recommendation from them to watch the show, the show itself will also bring popularity to the channel due to its exclusive showings and high demand,

E4 Ident - Front Room

This ident for E4 is made from both live action and animation, with object appearing from the walls and ground. Starting off with a normal room setting the animation then begins with grass coming out of the chimney surrounded by other random elements appearing simultaneously. The design and concept of the ident reflecting the channels content being very youthful and showing a variety of content. The ident itself lasts for 30 seconds, starting with slow paced editing the intensity increases as does the amount of animation, the animation increase amount stays consistent throughout. The music very much adds a lighthearted element to the ident with the classical, calm yet fast paced to support the content. fits perfectly to the style of the channel.

This ident very much attracts its intended target audience of teenagers by being very random, bright colours yet mature style setting a tone of comedy. This randomness helps appeal to the younger audience of today who tend to have a lower average short attention span, meaning usually things with a story will not appeal to them as much, so being completely random draws their attention to the channel. The element of randomness however limits any ability of information about the channels content and is strictly used for entertainment purposes. The chosen style does give the impression of the style of the channels content being a wide variety and comedy-based.

Channel 4 Ident:

This ident is very much used to advertise the channel brand. The ident being based in a section of council estates. The ident is very simple, with one crane shot sweeping through the messy, dingy estates, with rubbish all over the place, clothes hung up on a b piece of string etc.

The ident has very dim lighting throughout and creates a dull atmosphere, very much supported by the weather being wet and windy shown with the black cloudy sky and the windswept movement of the hung up clothes. The ident does not consist of any typography, the only reference to the channel is the 4 symbol made up of the environment and relative camera angle, however prior to this the viewer may not even be able to recognize the channel in which the are watching.

However, this idea does seem to be consistent in other channel 4 idents, they are all unique to one another but definitely share similar properties that make them recognizable. I think everything on screen visually relates to one another and supports each other very well, creating a dark and gritty atmosphere showing content  in which is harsh reality which Channel 4 intended upon. The music used has a slow tempo and slow beat again suting to that of the camera movement pace. It creates a small amount of tension and helps put the audience in an uneased state to reflect this harsh reality. Typically the target audience for this would be male 17-25, this is because it doesn't show any signs of feminine features.

The ident is 27 seconds long, which is actually a quite short amount of time, but if any longer may bore viewers or any shorter may not be able to portray the intended effect of the ident. I do not believe the channel branding has been done very well, however I do believe it helps set the style and realism of the channels content. Considering this ident is from 2004, their idents seem to have got much more appealing in the last couple of years making it much more clear for the audience to recognize the channel.

Channel 4: The Simpsons Ident

This ident is very much entertainment-led, using a flagship, well-known programme like the Simpsons to advertise the channel. This offers great opportunity for the channel as viewers will be able to relate the channel to the well-known programme that is the Simpsons, thus advertising the channel and increasing its popularity. 

Using this particular programme helps appeal to a large audience due its sustained popularity, attracting viewers and persuading the viewer to stay on the channel. However for non-Simpsons fans this could cause an instant channel change or loss of interest, meaning they will not watch it until to the end and reveal the true reason for the animation denying that of the intention of the ident.

Although the ident has a humour and fun elements representing some of the channels content, it very much relies on the patience and specific interest of the viewer due to its long duration. This again could make the viewer lose interest. However it is not effected by any usual limitations idents have of a viewers television resolution, aspect ratio or transmission system meaning it can be viewed by everyone. The Audio effects used also make it possible for non-visual viewers to still get a sense of what is happening on screen.

It is likely that this clip is shown on weekday evenings and late afternoons due to its comedic attitude. It could also be shown on Saturday/Sunday mornings when The Simpsons is likely to be screened.

MTV Ident:

MTV is a well-known television channel the specializes in music related programmes, teen drama's and documentaries. MTV is well known for its creative / artsy representation clearly shown in this ident. Opening with dark lighting and depressing titles littered around the tower blocks shown.The font reflecting this harsh and edgy negative undertone. The MTV logo then appears and the supportive lighting brightens and the negative titles transform into positive showing the uplifting transition that this channel intends to bring to their viewers. Con-notating the idea of that MTV can turn a depressing mood into a fun experience. 

Film 4 Ident - Car Chase:

This ident by Film 4 possesses a set piece that is related to some of the genres of film shown on the channel, in this case it shows a car chase relative to action movies thus targeting action movie fans (very broad audience). The ident being 30 seconds long gives the opportunity for the content to showcase the channel and voice over to inform what is coming up next.

This ident shows the visual identity of the channel, using the logo and appearing at the end of the sequence for effect, using up to date effects of splitting the screen to create the logo, being a unique and creative way of doing so. The effects add to the Action film concept using typical transition/effects used in action films.

Its concept offers the ability of a series of idents, all individual based on their genre allowing them to reach to a wider audience. A limitation however is the the size of the content displayed gives very little ability to display additional information and have to rely on the voice over to do so.

When the screen splits up to create the channel 4 logo there are multiple shots of the car chase from multiple different angels which gives the ident a lot of shot variation, Which in my opinion it almost brands the channel as a channel they can display their information on the content being film and a channel that are passionate about film.

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