Monday 30 January 2017

Unit 29: Music Video Production - Originate, plan and create a promotional Music Video

Unit 29: Music Video Production -

Originate, plan and create a promotional Music Video

Scenario - You are going to make a music video for a client. You will originate, plan and complete a Music Video production.

The Purpose, Styles, conventions and techniques of Music Videos

Task 1: 

Choose a music track and if possible use real musicians as your client and a plan a video using their original material
Conduct a thorough analysis of a chosen music track and originate ideas for a music video about:
  • Meaning
  • Content
  • Imagery
  • Narrative
  • Duration
  • Pace
  • Style
  • Semiotics
Brand the artist by originating ideas about the performers style and image, the style of the video
Develop the creative concepts that you explained in your pitch
Collate all pre-production documentation including:
  • Storyboards
  • Shooting Scripts
  • Role allocation
  • Production Schedule
  • Location Recces
  • Risk assessments
  • Permission to film
  • Clearances
Task 2: 

Final Proposal - Write a final proposal for your product -  you should now have a clear idea of what you are going to create. The final proposal must be incorporated in to your blog.

The following elements will make up your proposal:
  • Working Title: What is the title, name of your production?
  • Channel for Broadcast: What TV channel do you think your production would be best suited to be shown on and why?
  • Target Audience: Who do you consider to be the typical target audience for your production project?
  • Genre: Type of music video - Think about what genre of music, your video fits into and how that determines how it looks. Is your video going to be Performance based, Artistic/Abstract, Narrative/Story line based or a combination of these?
  • Style: Think in terms of unique camera angles, B & W, colour, dissolves, fades and change of speed: Slow/Fast motion, archive footage, graphics, text etc.
Task 3:

Casting - Is anybody going to act/perform in your music video production? What characters will they play and what props will they need (if any)?

Task 4:

Production Schedule - Create a production schedule that will map out:
  • When you will film?
  • Who will you film?
  • What will you film?
  • How will you film?
  • Which equipment will you need?
Are there any health and safety issues or concerns? Create a RISK assessment

Do you need permission to film at your locations? Do you have evidence of permission to film in your locations?

Thursday 19 January 2017

Unit 32: Designing Idents for Television - The Purpose and Nature of Ident Design

Unit 32: Designing Idents for Television - 

The Purpose and Nature of Ident Design

Scenario – You have been asked to research television idents for a production company in order to evaluate different methods and techniques. You will have to present your findings as a power-point presentation discussing pros/cons of different types of ident, typical do’s/don’ts and what the key fingerprints of a successful ident are.

Task 1

You will research a variety of different television idents and the design behind each one. You must follow the criteria below:

·         Create a research blog for at least 5 CONTRASTING idents.

·         Compare and contrast the different design characteristics and purpose behind each one.

Design: density of information; space and time; screen tempo; interaction with viewers; information-led; entertainment-led

Purpose: identity; branding; marketing; packaging and re-packaging; scheduling; segmentation within scheduling

Monday 2 January 2017

Unit 3: Research Techniques for the Creative Media Industries - Apply Research Techniques and Methods

Unit 3: Research Techniques for the Creative Media Industries -

Apply Research Techniques and Methods

Scenario - You are researching the viability of making a feature film from the successful BBC 3 TV/Online show; 'People Just Do Nothing'. You are compiling research evidence that you will pitch to BBC executive at BBC films. Your pitch needs to convince the corporation to finance the feature film release.

Task Two:

Now you have demonstrated an understanding of what research methods exist, you now have to apply them to your 'People Just Do Nothing' project and this will form the basis of your pitch to BBC executives.

There are 3 core sections to your research -

TV Industry:
  • TV ratings success/data on 'PJDN' on BBC 3, both TV and online for seasons 1,2 and 3? BARB
  • The success and reasons for moving from BBC 3 to BBC 2.
  • TV series reviews in mainstream print media: Radio Times, The Guardian, Daily Mail etc.
  • The BBC links between BBC 3 and BBC 1Xtra with live performances & appearances from Kurupt FM.
  • Garage & Grime: Target audience for the TV & the music: Think in terms of Age, Gender, Ethnicity, Social class & Sexuality.
Music Industry:
  • The Garage & Grime music scene: Kurupt, Chip, WSTRN, Stormzy etc. (Data- CD sales/Downloads) RAJAR
  • Kurupt FM - ITunes Music Downloads
  • Kurupt FM on tour (Ticketmaster/Skiddle) Live performances around UK and Abroad - Ibiza (Life imitating Art)
  • Success of previous BBC TV to film soundtracks: The Office - David Brent: Life on the Road, Bad Education film soundtrack (Spotify/Last FM)
Film Industry:
  • Analyse how well BBC TV shows to films has done in the past as well as now: Older Classics - Steptoe & Son, Porridge etc. Contemporary: Knowing me, knowing you (Alpha Papa), Kevin and Perry Go Large, The Office (Life on the Road), Bad Education (Bad Education: The Movie).
  • Look at the films budgets and how much profit they made ( Cost Vs. Commercial success) &
  • Analyse their marketing & advertising approaches: Film Teaser trailers, Official trailers, Fan Trailers
  • Billboards/Posters: Print Marketing Strategies
  • Viral/Online Marketing strategies (Facebook/Twitter)
  • Competition Analysis: Channel 4 films and their success with the 'Inbetweeners' films 1 & 2
You will present your research in a PowerPoint, or a digital portfolio or a word processed portfolio.

There must be evidence of the following areas of research;
  • Quantitative Research
  • Qualitative Research
  • Audience Research
  • Production Research
  • Secondary Research
  • Primary Research
  • Data gathering agencies
This research will form the basis of your pitch to BBC Executives.

Sunday 1 January 2017

Unit 3: Research Techniques for the Creative Media Industries - Research Techniques and Methods

Unit 3: Research Techniques for the Creative Media Industries

Scenario - You are researching the viability of making a feature film from the successful BBC 3 TV/Online show; 'People Just Do Nothing'. You are compiling research evidence that you will pitch to BBC executive at BBC films. Your pitch needs to convince the corporation to finance the feature film release.

Task One:
Comprehensively explain the main purposes of conducting research in the television, music and film industries.

Comprehensively explain each of the following areas of research:

  • Quantitative Research
  • Qualitative Research
  • Audience Research
  • Production Research
  • Secondary Research
  • Primary Research
  • Data gathering agencies